Why A Blog on an Art Website?

This is a great question and one I’m not sure I’ve put together the right answer for just yet. But I’m going to fumble my way through an explaination and maybe clarity will come for all of us.

When I set out to update my website, I went into it knowing one thing. I didn’t want it to feel generic or forgettable. I wanted people to walk away with a sense of who I am. What that looks like to me is talking about my work… why I do it, what’s behind my paintings, & the other things I like to create (because I just discovered clay! and collaging! and embroidery, oh my!) But as far as my paintings go, that would mean lengthy descriptions on certain pieces and literally nothing on others (because sometimes paintings just come and there’s much beyond that) So due to lack of continuity, that didn’t seem like a good idea. But hey! I really love writing and poetry so maybe… why not a blog?! Randomness means nothing on a blog. In fact, it keeps it fresh and exciting.

As a pretty private Enneagram 5, this feels pretty vulnerable. Talking about myself, my life, my work… that doesn’t come easily. That’s why I’d love feedback in the comments so it’s a group project, not me just blathering on!

I know that blogs are kind of a thing of the past, but with the emergence of sites like Substack (which I’ll also be posting to) I’m hoping they are making a comeback. They do take time to digest, unlike quick morsels on IG stories or TikTok. This will require slowing down to read entries that interest you. Hopefully this will become an engaging place where we can meet up to connect, sharing ideas about life and creativity.

What I WON’T be posting on … politics, religion, and any other hot button topics. I want this to become a community where people pop in for a bit of inspiration, where relationships are built. I hope for an authentic place where a woman in her 50s is trying to live her best, most creative life. A place where we share crafty ideas, design & decor good book recs and any other fun thing each of us might stumble upon, while in pursuit of a well-lived lives..

Got questions? Just want to say hi? Since I love to read (even more than I love to write!) I hope you will leave comments and let me get to know you too.

Katherine FehnComment