I’ve been asked when I became an artist and I don’t have an answer except that I just always was. I truly don’t remember a time when I didn’t love to color, draw, paint, fold/bend/manipulate something to create something else. This translated into finding lots of ways to stay creative throughout adulthood, but I finally found my way to painting full time in 2018.
I have struggled with perfectionism and control in my past and thought if something wasn’t “perfect”, there was a failure on my part. Once I finally found a way to rid myself of that all or nothing thinking, I uncovered the true joy of creating! I now thrive by painting intuitively, letting go of holding onto anything too preciously and just getting lost in the process, allowing the painting to lead me.
I absolutely love what I do and am deeply connected to all my creative endeavors. Whether it be drawing, painting or writing…they’ve always been my chosen forms of self expression, it’s my diary and where I feel my most authentic.
Currently, I work out of my home studio in Carmel, Indiana where I tend to hibernate in the winter and in the warmer months, you can find me reading in the sun, out kayaking or thrifting.
I love creating abstracts because they really take on a life of their own. I get very lost in these paintings, never really going into a piece with a set idea of an outcome, because without fail… it will change direction on me! These are pieces are so personal that I can look back and remember what was happening in life with almost all of them. In addition to my instinctual pieces, I also enjoy more figurative art, where my inspiration log is chock full of anything related to water, architecture, quirky people, food and nostalgia.
Most of my work is done in heavy bodied acrylics. Texture is a signature quality in my work. I love building and layering paint upon itself to create interest and significance to the surface of a flat canvas. I also enjoy using colored pencils and incorporating random other mediums into my work such as textured papers and old paint peels.
My work won’t mean the same to you as it does to me, but I do want it to strike a chord inside the viewer. When something I’ve painted, a stroke of paint or a color combination, catches the right person’s eye & they connect with it, then things have come full circle, and the piece no longer belongs just to me. It’s ours.
Juried Work:
Hamilton County Artist Association
Lost Dog Gallery
Broad Ripple’s Gallery 6202
Carmel Clay Public Library
Indiana State Fair
Indianapolis High Art Billboard Project Recipient
CCA Gallery • Co-op Owner/Artist • Carmel, IN
Indiana Artist Network • Artist
Arts Council of Indianapolis • Artist
Carmel Arts Council • Past Guild Member • Carmel, IN
Parallel Design Group • Commissioned Artist • Indianapolis, IN
High Frequency Arts • Project Artist • Fishers, IN